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Beat the Heat this summer, Get a pool.

When things start to heat up, people across the globe, begin to strip down. To their swimsuits that is.

Here in Southern California, crazy high temperatures during the summer months is considered the norm.

Private outdoor pools in backyards are very popular, especially in Los Angeles.

If you grew up here, you either have a pool or know someone who does, otherwise good luck beating 110 degrees for four long and sweaty months.

Building a private get away in your own back yard can be exciting and fun, but

there are some things you should know before starting a pool construction project.

It is always important with and project, that you make choices that are best suited for your situation and or family and their needs. If you are thinking about a pool addition, you have come to the right place. This blog post will cover all major points that need to be considered before constructing your man made oasis.

Things to know about Pool Construction

1. How long does it take to complete a pool? Usually, it takes about 60 to 90 business days to complete an average pool construction project. Weather conditions may delay progress, but pools can be built at any time of year. Most people want to have their pools ready for the summer, so in this case it’s a good idea to start construction a few months ahead of time.

2. What types of pools are there? There are in-ground gunite pools, vinyl liner, and fiberglass pools. An in-ground gunite pool (also known as a concrete pool) is a permanent structure that the city actually sees as an extension to your house. So by building this type of pool, you’ll be increasing the value of your home. These types of pools also come in a variety of wall textures, from smooth to aggregate textured. They are considered the strongest and most durable type of pool. A vinyl liner pool will be less expensive to install compared to a gunite pool. Vinyl pools are built with a steel shell framing that is very durable, and then this is covered with the liner. The liner usually needs to be replaced every 5-6 years. You can extend the liner’s lifespan with good maintenance habits. Finally, fiberglass pools are manufactured in the factory and are pre-molded, so they limit your design choices. They are quicker to install, however. They come in various shapes, usually rectangles, but they can also come in free form or L-shaped designs. They also come in a variety of colors and patterns. These types of pools need periodic resurfacing, and can be easily damaged, needing regular replacement. Other features to consider when building pool are whether you want a black bottom pool, and solar bubble covers for your pool and spa. Black bottom pools will increase the heat of your pool only slightly, but the covers will offer a 10-15% increase in heat.

3. How much does is cost to keep a pool? Four basic factors determine how much it will cost to operate your pool: electricity, gas, chemicals, and water. Of course every pool is different, but generally your

electrical costs will be based on how many pumps you have, how big they are, what kind of pumps they are, and how long they run. Your gas cost is determined by how much you use your pool heater. Usually you’ll be using a form of salt or chlorine compounds to keep your pool clean, and the needs and prices of these are constantly changing. So your chemical cost may fluctuate. Finally, the amount of water you need to fill your pool will determine your water cost. The biggest water cost will occur when you fill your pool for the first time, after that you’ll only need to add water as some of it evaporates.

4. Do I need a permit? You will need a permit for building a swimming pool, since it is subject to building and zoning requirements within your city. Each city and county has different codes, so it’s important to apply for a permit and receive approval before starting. The specific requirements relate to the depth of the pool, property setback lines, pool barriers, and gate hardware codes.

5. Do I need a fence around my pool? Most often, all that is necessary for a fence around your pool is a fence 5 feet high, that has a self-closing gate. Whatever the material is that the fence is made out of (wood or wrought iron for example), the horizontal bars making up the fence should not be closer than 45 inches together. But every city is different in its requirements. You will definitely need a fence that passes your city’s code before the inspector will sign off on your pool project.

Sources: bulletins/building-code/design- and-construction- of- swimming-pools- ib-p- bc2014-014.pdf?sfvrsn=14

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